Prayer for Perpetual Adorers

O God our Father,

in Your love for us You sent Your only Begotten Son, Jesus
to be our Shepherd and Leader,
our Friend, our Brother and our Lord.

You continue to show Your love for us
by sending us workers, and volunteers to care for your Church. 

Bless our Perpetual Adorers,
as they take up the responsibilities throughout this year
among the people of this community
to spend time with Your Only Begotten Son
in Perpetual Adoration.

May their prayers be fruitful,
May their time given be a perfect offering to You!

Let Your Holy Spirit guide them
As they serve your Church
To allow Your Kingdom to come to its fullnness. 

May your face shine upon them and be gracious to them
May they be the light of Christ in the world
Through the power of prayer
and in their time of keeping vigil until you come again.

we ask this prayer
through Jesus Christ Your Son
in the love of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.


St. Mary Parish

St. Mary Parish, Anacortes WA 4001 St. Mary's Drive Anacortes, WA 98221 360-293-2101